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Food & Beverage

Click here for a list of Approved Caterers.


  • An approved caterer must prepare all food and beverage served at BCC. Information for our approved caterers is available at Approved Caterers (bushconventioncenter.com)
  • If you would like to inquire about becoming an approved caterer at BCC, please contact our office at 432-687-8250 or info@bushcc.com for details.
  • Outside food and beverage are not allowed.
  • Only approved caterers will have access to the kitchen. Any Client or group needing kitchen access for an event must complete the required paperwork, which includes a signed contract, proof of insurance and refundable security deposit.
  • Vendors that provide alcohol service are required to use TABC certified servers at all times.


  • Vendors that provide alcohol service are required to use TABC certified servers at all times.
  • There is no “BYOB” via TABC state regulations.
  • Alcoholic beverages are prohibited at any event honoring a minor.
  • Per TABC regulations, events with alcohol will require at least two (2) security officers that should be from the City of Midland Police Department or Midland County Sheriff's . The client renting the facility is responsible for arranging for and paying for security for their event.
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